#indigenousink: tatú, tatu, tattoo, tatovering, húðflúr, moko, สัก, irezumi, tatuajea, وشم, шивээс, peʻa

We are world. World is not ‘my’ world or ‘the’ world, world is life: móðir, pachamama, mать, màthair, anaana. As Earth: Jörð, Talamh, Etügen Eke.
Across decimations, the desertification of vast ancient inland seas, the destruction of species’ habitats and the marginalization of incalculable peoples and cultures due to usurpation and conquerage by militant regimes and weaponized religious cults… we are alive. Our children are alive. Our ancestors flow through us on breath, through the rivers of capillary, vein, artery, heart, organs. Lightning disperses pain and grief, nervous systems, synapses, reaction and response.
Inking skin—tatú/húðflúr—is a healing art. Chalk and ochre upon the walls of Lascaux; upon the dancers of reindeer and seal and albatross clans.
I am outraged that our cultures have been condemned by mainstram religion, particularly due to the farcical nature of a book called a bible (that simply means book), in one of its many volent texts, stating: “You shall not make any cuttings in your flesh on account of the dead or tattoo any marks upon you: I am the lord.” (leviticus 19:28) while a bit further in it stated “A man or a woman who is a medium or a necromancer shall surely be put to death. They shall be stoned with stones; their blood shall be upon them.” (leviticus 20:27) and then, in leviticus again, 25:44/46 the author writes : “Your male and female slaves are to come from the nations around you; from them you may buy slaves. You may also buy some of the temporary residents living among you and members of their clans born in your country, and they will become your property.”

Image: Brú na Bóinne, Co. Meath, Éire,
So it comes into law, in many countries with bureaucracies ruled over by minds of raw sewage and no recognisable backbones, that we are judged, as are all indigenous peoples, based on some decrepit texts, written in a language not our own, our ancestors from every desert and forest and mountain and valley not theirs; taken by missionaries of a mythological tortured and dead man; that death at the whim of a daddy, just like the attempted murder of a kid named Isaac who had the end of his penis cut off because some unseen voice told his papa to use the blade in a somewhat unorthodox parody of slaughter.
Why do we put up with even a trace of these violations of human community? Even as I write this, in the twenty first century, tattoo is antiquely assigned in certain venues in Queensland, Australia, as signifying a criminal or gangster. Until recently, in Denmark, it was illegal to ink hands or face. This is arrogant and, deeply reflective of the above religious bigotries. This is not the religion of any indigenous person — indigenous peoples do not have religion — until they have been indoctrinated, threatened and punished, made to suffer and die, their elders, culture, laws, foods, language and lives decimated under a yoke of obedience that is forged with the first registration of our lives, at birth, as owned by those that demand such, legislate it and call the process law. It must be reiterated that justice and the laws of any land are not synonymous. Do not turn away from apartheid. Or the slave trade. In America, the Caribbean, Canada, do not forget the slaughter of the original custodians and do not forget the decimation of Africa and the east India Trading Company. In Australia, do not forget the White Australia Policy and the ravages of First Nations people everywhere.
We have not forgotten our own ancestors. I am Hebridean: Celt, Pict, Caledonian, Irish and English gypsy. Breizh and Norse. A tapestry of ancient peoples whose homes and families have been decimated and transported into exile for the sake of sheep or potatoes. The theft of reseources. And despite these landscapes and pieces of beauty being insignificant in the overarching scheme of Earth, this belonging to other people is a significant contemporary pride. A raft in a vast sea, and most do not remember that britain is the same word as brittany and therefore, also, priteni, and that none of them are places alone but the whole of land, sea, sky, weather, rock, star, the hunter and the hunted. Priteni is a bit of a misnomer. We were called so by Tacitus when Claudius arrived to decimate our tribal confederacies that have been Albion since at least the entirety of the Bronze Age.
We were/are inked. Like the Berber, like those of Samoa, Sámi, the people of the reindeer and… well… where not? He thought we were painted, which is the meaning of that word (priten) claimed, no, with the pride of survivors everywhere who have made it beyond the violation of condescending and unnecessary regimes.
For an in-depth online experience of indigenous ink, that due to decimation does not include the ancestor named Ötzi…
Image below: shaman woman disclosed as permafrost melted, Altain Mountains (erroniously now called a princess, in online documentation).

… or that of the nameless shaman woman of the Pazyryk, whose tannin-preserved, ink-adorned sleeping body, buried in a chamber beneath four horses; saw her grave desecrated by tomb raiders (archaeologists) in 1993 CE. Ötzi and the Ice Shaman are only two people from the long-ago. Of the eon-wisdom practice of body adornment for purposes of medicine or magnificence. They, and many others disturbed from their ancestral graves, tell stories, with their flesh, to the lost and probably ignorant academics.
When breath no longer explains the ways of making, shaping and navigation, leathered skin can do so.
Tatouage is the modern term, in French, for skin-deep ink.
Húðflúr is the Icelandic word for the same. In Rus’ it is tаtyировка, in the language of the people of Arctic Canada the following is recognized, even if the word is irrelevant or misunderstood:
Inuit (or Eskimos generally) and St. Lawrence Island Yupiget, in particular, like many other circumpolar and indigenous peoples (Schuster 1951), regarded living bodies as inhabited by multiple souls, each soul residing in a particular joint (Krutak 1998: 28). The anthropologist Robert Petersen (1996: 67) has noted that the soul is the element that gives the body life processes, breath, warmth, feelings, and the ability to think and speak. Accordingly, the ethnologist Edward Weyer (1932: 321) stated in his tome, The Eskimos, that, “all disease is nothing but the loss of a soul; in every part of the human body there resides a little soul, and if part of the man’s body is sick, it is because the little soul had abandoned that part, [namely, the joints].” Thus, if one of these souls is taken away, the member or limb to which it belongs sickens and possibly dies (Holm 1914: 112)
Sir Martin Frobisher’s [1] (1576) description of the indigenous people he encountered, in the bay that now bears his name [2], states The women are marked on the face with blewe streekes down the cheekes and round about the eies. Also, some of their women race [scratch or pierce] their faces proportionally, as chinne, cheekes, and forehead, and the wristes of their hands, whereupon they lay a colour, which continueth dark azurine.
Those of us who have been disenfranchised, driven or torn from ancestral landscapes and culture, have learned from unclaimed family, albiet quixotically. We began with anchors, and arrows through hearts that said ‘mum’. We were called criminals, gangsters, miscreants, or any number of crude and biased names. Roman lads, inked by their allied british clans, were once killed by their ‘betters’ for consorting. It became a crime, under the auspice of the modern commonwealth law, to have one’s hands and face tattooed because, as the obscure quote states “it is illegal to deface the property of the crown.”

(photo: Chapada dos Veadeiros, Brazil, 2014)
Not so now. We have claimed ourselves. What the navigator, named Cook, described as tattoo is gained from his travels of the pacific where, through arrogance or chance, he was killed. He never did find his way into the Baring Strait; the maritime sea-lanes of the Arctic.
But the missionaries did. And they hurt us. Our forebears. The knowledge holders. Slaughtered, imprisoned or shut away in asylums. Never permitted to speak in language; the punishment for such being anything from ridicule to a beating, to a life in imprisoned confinement, to murder. Perhaps the worst of all, exile from the lands and waters that are our family.
We, as abandoned and wandering people, forced from land to land—none of which are ancestral; all of which have been misappropriated by invading hegemonies—have taken the wild sea roads across the mythic. This is fjord magic. Whale and mackerel magic, iceberg and midnight sun magic, seal blubber and bear magic, the skill of the langskip builder and the knowledge of an ice vortex, read from the eyes of reindeer by noadis.
But we no longer misappropriate (although I admit that some still do) the tribal designs of Samoa and Aeotearoa; the kākau of Hawai’i. And we don’t try to recreate that which may be of our ancient kindred. We also look down the roots of the tree into an unborn tomorrow and so realize the designs of a yet-to-unfold future. The designs, now, being created uniquely, between inker and inked.
Also see https://www.larskrutak.com/tattoos-of-the-hunter-gatherers-of-the-arctic/
[1] https://www.biography.com/explorer/martin-frobisher
[2] https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/frobisher-bay