Re questions: see bottom of this page.
- PLEASE DO NOT SHUFFLE, SORT OR OTHERWISE INVADE THE CARDS UNTIL YOU ARE SITTING WITH ME. I MUST WATCH YOUR HANDS AS YOU ‘SHUFFLE’ (‘shuffle’ is such a demeaning word for sorting 78 images into an order not possible consciously. Each of you (see Tarot Theory and Practice &/or Advanced Tarot) has had at least since the hypothetical Big Bang to accumulate knowledge; experience. The flesh is a genetic brilliance of storage. DO NOT look at the images while shuffling as that screws with the process, invading the session with assumptions and desires that are likely irrellevant to destiny.)
- Also DO NOT have pre-conceived ideas of what life should/could/would look like from the vantage of what is known as ‘now’. Many people ask if they should be thinking of something. It won’t make any difference. An empty mind is the first step.
- The following maps are those used remotely.
- Remote sessions take longer than in-person ones.

Please be aware that even thought the side cards are marked “past, present, future” there is really no such thing.
PAST: I do not look at the “past” pile as what’s the point? You’ve lived it. It’s voyerism. There is nothing to be ventured in lifting that scab. Pursuing the “past” is nostalgia and it limits your deepening.
PRESENT: is where you are now. The events surrounding you as you travel the ecosystem of your destiny. This information will include events that have seemingly already happened. They remain in existence as existential realities, often worthy of reflection. The map of the present is called Dead Reckoning for a very specific reason.
FUTURE: Is already happening. Events that you experience and how ou relate to them will open new pathways (similar to neural pathways triggered by response and repetition/recognition). You will have absolutely NO HONEST IDEA of what these events will be from the standpoint of the moment you read this, or even when you have the layout in front of you. This is where the foolish would-be seer falls off the cliff because of the denial and sometimes ignorant assumptions of clients.
DEAD RECKONOING is a sort-of umbrella beneath which will be all the following information gleaned from the other maps.
THE GROVE (map 2)

When the client, online lays out this map they will do so as though they are you. They must lay out each card in the otder represented by the numbers.
These are all events yet to come.

Stargate is more future events. It is map 3.

You will shuffle, break the cards into three packs. Choose one pack, discard the other two.
We will translate the entire pack you have chosen.
This map requires, after shuffling, that you discard the first 6 cards and lay out the 7th as per the diagram. You will do this for the entire pack. The final card will be the second-last card. Didcard the last card, also.

You get between 1 and 3
I reserve the right to reply to only answer one question if I am certain any others are already answered. This is due to three things.
- The obvious (see “I reserve the right…”) as very often the remote sessions will exceed an hour by up to two, and by then I could be severly drained and therefore continued pushing is harmful.
- Extra questions are based on ‘shoulds’ or other pre-determinations relative to now that require the Imbas to deprive you of free will. It is not the work of tarot to do that. There is great danger in both asking and attempting to answer any “If I do this will this happen” scenario. Events already predicted are what will occur. “What-ifs” are irrellevant.
- Very often I do not require the cards to be laid out to answer. As such please respect what I know, as a practitioner and medicine person, based on a lifetime of research into many areas of interrelating with this form of prediction.
And here’s where glitches can often happen because if your question is:
1. not in alignment with what will happen
2. the question has no future
3. the question flies in the face of the information that has already been advised
4. you give a generic statement such as “Tell me about love,” or “Tell me about money,” or simply say the word “Relationships.”
I will ask what you mean, because a person can have a relationship with anything. We do not answer free will questions such as: “should I . . .” or “if I do this or that . . .”