- the following is non-negotiable
- the following is only important to those for whom it is important
- everyone else is wrong
I’ll be quick.
Tarot will not tell you what you will not experience.
Tarot will tell you what you will experience.
If that experience is not what you expected, that is irrelevant.
If you try to guess in advance what that experience is, you will fail. A guess is not an experience.
Neither is a theory.
There is no choice.
You cannot avoid the experiences tarot predicts.
If you were never going to experience a specific thing, you were never going to experience it, so tarot will not tell you what you will never know.
You can’t know what you don’t have experience of. You’d be guessing.
There are no if’s.
No. That’s it. Whether you seek a session or to learn. These are the only things you must take into your headspace.