Author, feminist, seer, educator, linguistically heretical pedant, mystic

Lore de Angeles Whitehorse was first published under the guiding hand of Nevill Drury (author/anthropologist/editor) in 1987. She has, to date, been in print since, tallying up 18 books across genres. She also writes for Medium and has been published in short story, poetry and essay form. Her memoir, INITIATION, a veritable history of the occult, women’s movement, protest and music was published in 2016, to a wild and unapologetic release attended by some of Australia’s most distinguished Burlesque performers, ska musicians and aerial artists. See HERE.
Her most recent offering is a series of 5 audiobooks, genre mythic realism, self-narrated,

These titles, originally in book form, are now available for anyone choosing a deep listening experience.
An ancestral legacy of being lost, then found, summoning the mythos and mystery of Celtic legend and placing it in the back streets of any dirty old town or city, hinting at the violation of magic by those with a disturbing agenda. Stories of the harsh reality of bigotry, through indoctrination, with a touch of wonder to save us from emotional drowning.
Ly de Angeles is a feminist in the original sense of the philosophy of Gloria Steinem; an interspecies rights activist, deep ecologist and anti-religion, animism advocate. A seer of tarot and a sensei of a Japanese martial art she has also directed for street, stage and screen.

Ly was trafficked as an infant and has written and spoken, extensively, on the subject of Natal Alienation and its deceitful slavery. She was officially released from ownership/slavery in 2020 and her name privately changed to that of her family of origin.
Late to post graduate academics she remains an alumni with Deakin University, Australia. Her speciality is the effect on human consciousness of language, it’s beauty and its deceits. Ultimately teaching techniques to rewire old patterns into new.
CURRENT WORK (2024 extant)
CROW MAGIC | Book 1, Legends of the Sídhe Series

CROW MAGIC, a Novella that, while introducing the four stories and more, that began the following four books, examines, in memoir form, how dreams and omens can affect the writer’s examination and research of story.
THE QUICKENING | Book 2, Legends of the Sídhe Series

KATHRYN SHILTON is not like other human beings. She is about to discover the adventure of a lifetime. Why? Among us walk a race older than time, around us are doorways to other realities and people who are not seen, for who and what they truly are. Such are Hunter and Brighid, Black Annis, Willie and Raven, and the many others who keep magic alive in the world and who touch, in passing, those who seem lost merely because they have been blinded by disregard. THE QUICKENING is a tale of human cruelty and its redemption. Of enchantment and lore. If you are lost, and need finding, perhaps the folk will come if you whisper your longing to the night.
Winner of the COVR Visionary Fiction Award, 2006, USA and pre-released in Ireland.
THE SHINING ISLE | Book 3, Legends of the Sídhe Series

HOLLY TREMENHERE, jaded and disillusioned by the ordinary world, travels across the wild sea from the coastal village of Weaey Bay, to the island on the second-to-last ferry before winter closes the crossing. She is there to unravel the mystery of who she truly is and the only living person who can tell her is her beautiful, estranged aunt, Mim.
What Holly does not know is that some men will do anything for greed. Some she thinks are untrustworthy are good, and not all dogs are just dogs. She is about to be thrust into the heart of a mystery, a time out of legend and an inheritance that will forever change her; one that culminates in a magical but deadly redemption and a journey in time where love reunites.
UNDER SNOW | Book 4, Legends of the Sídhe Series

ROSE WEN’S father is murdered, seemingly senselessly, Rose buries him in Ireland near the grave of her mother. With secrets being unearthed of gypsy heritage, of ancient magic, king’s legends, and horsehair talismans, Rose is thrust into a way of seeing the world—an understanding of love—she never would have thought possible if he had not died. A deal made with a faerie man long ago.Is anything random? Or is everything that happens predestined. Who, after all, was her father? An extraordinary love story.
THE CHANGELING | Book 5, Legends of the Sídhe Series

MERCY RILEY is thrust into life in the cramped, cold little room down back of Our Lady of Perpetual Sorrows Mother and Baby Home. In the rarely-visited coastal village of Weary Bay. A place of shame, Mercy is born and raised a secret. Never permitted to know her mother, her name concocted for expedience by strangers. While social acceptability is not her destiny neither is obscurity and around the age of thirteen she escapes. Lost and vulnerable she is discovered and aided by Black Annis, not even slightly mortal. Taken in by the Travelers she is sequestered, for her protection and education, with Maisie Raith the Weary Bay’s generations-long practitioner of witchcraft, where she learns some semblance of what it means to live beyond a walled, barred institution. She learns to heal and foretell a person’s death through tarot cards, but she is also taught—maybe randomly, maybe by design—to kill with precision.
Savage | Bodywork 2022
Brave – For the Unclaimed People, 2021
Advanced Tarot | The Voyage of Prophecy, 2020
Witch |For Those Who Are, 2018
Genesis | The Future. Science fiction, re-released 2017
The Skellig | Shapeshifting. Dystopian Fantasy (with Melaine Knight), 2017
Initiation | a Memoir, 2016
Priteni | the Decimation of the Indigenous Celtic Britons, 2015
Tarot Theory and Practice, 2007
La Fulgurance, Canada)
Pagan Visions for a Sustainable Future, 2005
When I See the Wild God | Celtic Mysticism, 2004
The Feast of Flesh and Spirit, Interstitial Poetry/Prose 2002
Witchcraft |Theory and Practice, USA, 2000 (also printed as Bruxaria Teoria e Pratica, Brazil)
The Way of Merlyn, UK, 1991
The Way of the Goddess, UK, 1987
Comeuppance — THE CRIME FACTORY (Australia) and winner of the GritLIT 2019 prize, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
Shame, Gender and Ageing ‘Gracefully’ —ARCHER MAGAZINE
PUBLISHED Short Story/Commentary
NOT BROKEN—ON NEURODIVERGENCE—There is a sort of spring-trap that concludes that neurodivergence, condescendingly called , is somehow a disorder. And that the actual word autism is relevant, when it is the opinion, etymologically, of an arrogant point of view. Disorder to what? Disorderly how? What has been proscribed as ‘normal’ other than a carpenter’s square? What is normal? Is it those tiny shards of broken-mirror-ness that are the only excerpts of ourselves we have the guts to expose to possibly prevent rejection and categorisation and what happens to us after? When anything other is too inexplicable and therefore requires hiding in some secret shame hovel?
COMEUPPANCE—Crime Factory, Issue 16, Sept 2014 (winner Gritlit, Canada)—A ‘Sucker Punch’-style revenge/justice story of one woman’s journey through trauma to liberation.
BAKERY HILL – Novella: Peter Lalor (Peadar Ó Leathlobhai: the Eureka Uprising of 1854) and his semi-fictional journey from Tresakill House in Co. Laois, Ireland to the goldfields of an English colony set in a country not yet named. A comprehension of brutality and bigotry.
WINGS—Short Film Genre: Black Comedy / Supernatural Themes / Art House. Writer – Lore (Ly) de Angeles. Official Selection BBIFF
THE REDEMPTION OF JOE FRAME—Short Film Genre: Drama / Supernatural Themes. Writer / Director / Co-producer – Lore (Ly) de Angeles
January 2010 – winner of the Jury Prize: Byron All Shorts
February 2010 – Official Selection Byron Bay International Film Festival
June 2010 – Toronto, Canada, Worldwide Short Film Festival Marketplace
Oct 2010 – Courts des Iles Film Festival, Tahiti
1992 – Wild and Wise Women’s Festival – Director, Producer
1996 – Wearing of the Green Pageant (Celtic Festival) – Director, Producer
2000 – Jesus Christ Superstar – Director
2001 – Romeo and Juliet, a Contemporary Version – Co-Director
2002 – Jesus Christ Superstar II – Director
2002 – Vertical (Youth Activity Centre Production) – Producer, Director
2003 – Moulin Rouge Does Byron Bay – Director
New Worlds Magazine, Llewellyn, USA
Call of the Wild:
The Winds of Change:
Paradise Lost:
ABC Compass – New Age Journey, 2000
Byron Shire Echo – The Art of the Sword in Full Bloom, 2001
Herald/Age – Sarah Wilson, Article/Interview with Ly de Angeles, September 2011
Byron Shire Echo – When the Truth is a Powerful Ly April 2016
Rivers in the Skin (previously known as Blue People), an intense trance/initiatory shamanic-style experience, based on Priteni |The Decimation of the Indigenous Celtic Britons.
Presented at–
Byron Bay Spirit Festival, NSW, Australia, 2016
Blue Flame Dreaming Indigenous Festival, NSW, Australia, 2016
Worldwide Facetime Livestream, 2016
Piyura Kitina (Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre), The Conjure Tour, 2019
Ireland, Launch for The Quickening, 2003
New Zealand, 2018: Evolve Festival, Nelson
Tasmania, 2019: The Conjure Tour:
Rivers in the Skin
Roadkill in a Once Upon a Time Forest
That Uppity White Woman
10 weeks, limit 10 people. Hobart, Australia, region only, 2025.
Deep Listening workshops with practical application involved.
Based on the principal of the Chuck Palahniuk story, Fight Club, this life-affirming and consciousness altering workshop will take 10 (initially) women and provide skills for releasing primal wounding of the psyche. Ly has over four decades of working with individuals seeking hope. Instead she gave them tarot, telling them back the stories of their own lives and finding the hidden memories of disempowerment, turning them around through non-judgment. Everyone has a story and it is usually those that we have hidden through necessity–those that caused us inexplicable shame–that release such blocks as hypervigilance, anxiety and non-essential humility.
This workshop requires a minimum level of fitness although that is often gained during the course of the workshop.