Numerology is as incalculably ancient (sorry, joke) self-analysis and destiny technique, first brought to Australia by renown Numerologist Jacqueline Robertson-Swann and taught to Ly because she was young and not above begging. With this technique—akin to astrology and planetary awareness—infinity can be broken down to any number from 1 to 9. Binary code, as you know, is an infinite variation of 1’s and 0’s currently being spliced onto the DNA. We might not have ample time to discuss that last sentence.

What has that to do with you? Everything. Numerology reminds you who you have possibly forgotten you are.

CONTACT lydeangeles at gmail dot com (you know how to do it) to secure a place.


(and if requested maximum 48 hours prior to the event)


Ignore the video if it gets too heady at this stage.

  1. If your name begins with L, C or U, you have a 3 foundation. You will learn how the value of communication, authenticity, laughter, the spoken and written words are the qualities that support your every decision and response.
  2. If your ruling tendency is 5 you won’t be able to either sit still for very long, or find small talk even remotely bearable. Is your passport up to date?
  3. If you have a K in that position, or V then yes, you may very well be a visionary (that’s a gut thing) but you can easily despair when belief in the goodness of people is realised as delusional, so you need to be wary of opioids and alcohol abuse.
  4. If you have 8 as a rock in the road, a sad, limited number, being cashed up or destitute will depend on how you understand the construct of wealth. If viewed from alternative angles, and acted upon, wealth can be utterly reassessed. Whoever invented the tiny house has learned this.

If your destiny number is a 9 you’re going to have to work your life out around endings, addictions, and, odd as it sounds, art. It’s the Einstein Number, just as 22 is known as the Martin Luther King Jnr number, if it’s a 1, you experience taking orders vulgar and beneath you.

The key pattern to the centre of any labyrinth. Beginning with your birthday on the Gregorian calendar a personal year can break a person if it’s balance is not recognised. Here’s how.

Sound simple? Yes and no. The above is the tip of the iceberg of what you will learn over 5 hours.

Each of the numbers from 1 to 9, including master numbers of 11, 22 and 33, are explored, analysed and realised as unique in the patterns they form to make you, you. Who are your kids? What is the relationship between self and parents? Partners? Can you influence the coming year? Do you need to learn another way to deal with what appear to be insurmountable obstructions? What will grace your Saturn Cycle (birth to 28, 28 to 56 and then until you are dead, as we think of death). So much more.

Can we get there in a day? For you, yes. For working the technology of Numerology as a visionary professional? No. Apprenticeships start somewhere. With a few lightbulb realisations. You will learn the personalities of the numbers, how they work when in balance, how they create discord when otherwise, and what to do about it. You can go home and evaluate everyone you know. You can make a living from this technique.

Insight is a powerful thing. With it, each of us can not only cope with adversity but can dig it down deep, soar above it or know what caused it, and comprehend its core to solve seemingly insurmountable life- obstacles that have snagged us, mostly, through societorial indoctrination. Enabling you to plant tomorrow through wisdom learned through adversity; through the relief of understanding.

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LY DE ANGELES (she/her—Lore) is an author, master storyteller, seer, Celtic drú-bard, animist, linguist and life coach.

She is an advocate for the cessation of the erasure of cultural identity, language and authenticity, and the respect of differences that can only happen through a mutual knowledge of the unique history of all people, particularly those marginalised through bigotry. While maintaining a sense of humour she does not, however, accept sarcasm or species-differentiation. As a linguist she also hears, literally, what others say, an experience that has been described as occasionally disturbing, and yes, she will correct you unapologetically. Most important to know, so you are prepared to potentially be corrected.

Although a practicing numerologist since 1980 she is best known for TAROT. She is the best-selling author of Witchcraft Theory and Practice, has won awards for both book and short story, poetry and film, is a 3rd Dan Iaido sensei, has a post graduate degree in Professional Writing and is achieved in many areas of mysticism, martial arts, theatre and story, with several other books in print since 1987, adding 5 audiobooks this year, in the Legends of the Sídhe, Traveller Series, narrated for Spotify, and edited to ACX standard in Hobart; released 2024. The first in the book series, The Quickening, won the USA, COVR Visionary Fiction Award of 2005 and pre-released in Ireland.

She has taught Numerology, since 1980, everywhere from Sydney to Galway to North Carolina to Parramatta Maximum Security Prison (including the screw, and where every one of the 15 inmates imprisoned for theft had an 8 rock in the road).

Ly de Angeles is her in print name but she is known as Lore. Originally landing on the island in 2018 on a tour called CONJURE, she presented Rivers in the Skin (based on PRITENI | The Decimation of the Celtic Britons) at Piyura Kitina, Risdon Cove, Roadkill on a Once upon a Time Forest through The Page and Cup, Hobart.

She fell in love with the sky summoned by the island, gave in to its haunting, ancestral, Outer Hebridean likeness, and relocated in 2023.

Lore de Angeles WHITEHORSE
Trading as LY DE ANGELES
ABN 568838456977